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Infographic | Four Benefits of Bespoke Lead-Gen Strategy

Don’t just throw spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. Invest wisely in the right strategies to drive real business results.

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Infographic | Smarter Digital Marketing for Success Now – NonProfit Edition

Funders, supporters and those you serve, engage with
nonprofits online now more than ever. Yet, even in this digital
age, people crave human connection. See our infographic for some data-backed solutions.

Tip Sheet | 5 Quick Data Visualization Tips for Nonprofits

So you’ve got the numbers – now what? When it comes to showcasing your nonprofit’s impact and achievements, data visualization is your secret weapon. Download this tip sheet for 5 clever tips for visual storytelling through numbers.

Infographic | Smarter Digital Marketing for Success Now – EdTech Edition

School leaders are engaging with companies online now more than ever. Yet even in this digital age, people crave human connection. Get 6 tips for how to adapt your strategy to align with current education markets.

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AMA- Slide Deck | Marketing Automation: Is your company prepared to make it work?

Originally presented at the 2021 American Marketing Association Ignite Conference, this slide deck walks through the data behind who is using marketing automation and how to make it effective for your organizations needs. Make sure you are prepared to handle both the setup and ongoing work it takes to make an automation tool support your manual sales and marketing efforts.

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Smarter Digital Marketing for Success Now

Adapt your channels and methods of engagement to align with the New Normal. Download this infographic to learn where to start and how to have the biggest impact.

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Partnering with a Branding Agency

This white paper tells you how to prepare and get the most out of your agency partnership.

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Marketing Automation – Part 1

Let’s talk marketing automation. It can save you serious time and money and increase customer engagement, but getting started can be a little intimidating. Learn what it is, what it can do for your business, and what to consider to make it worth it.

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Marketing Automation – Part 2

True or False: Marketing automation means replacing employees.

If you answered “True,” you might want to give this article a look. Contrary to what its name would suggest, automation doesn’t just take care of itself once it’s been set up—you need a highly effective team to ensure its success.

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Building an Effective Case Study

These five steps will help guide you through building a compelling and effective case study from outline to promotion.

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Buyer’s Journey

Map out the path your customer takes from first impression to purchasing decision, and increase your chances for success in marketing efforts.

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Forbes Articles & Panel Contributions

Explore Clever Lucy Co-Founder Keri Witman’s contributions to the Forbes Agency Council.

326 views  |  Sep 18, 2020

Marketing And Sales Alignment: Getting Along To Get Ahead

If you challenge your co-workers to define common goals and develop a step-by-step plan to meet each other’s expectations, you can come out of these uncertain times stronger than ever.

1,204 views  |  Apr 8, 2020

Team-Building And Management In A Brave New Virtual World

Answering questions, predicting results in an uncertain climate and providing leadership for coworkers and colleagues are just the tip of the iceberg.

1,120 views  |  Apr 9, 2018

Why Your Image-Driven Tactics Need Business-Savvy Strategies

Are you pitching tactics that look good but aren’t connected to business goals in a practical way?

Expert Panel Contribution  |  Jan 8, 2021

How To Hire For Creative Roles: 12 Unique Traits Of The Best Candidates

Great collaborators understand the importance of working together to find creative solutions. The best client work comes out of creative collaboration and building off of each other’s ideas.

Expert Panel Contribution  |  Jan 6, 2021

Will A Service Or Product Appeal To New Audiences? 12 Ways To Know

The most reliable method of determining new target segments for a product or service is market research. Brands that skip market testing may save up front but pay in the long run.

Expert Panel Contribution  |  Nov 11, 2020

Launching A Company Website? Here Are 14 Things To Double-Check First

A careful review of some critical yet commonly overlooked elements prior to launching a website will help to avoid common issues.

Expert Panel Contribution  |  Aug 21, 2020

15 Ways Agencies Can Encourage Diversity In The Industry

Agency leaders must first acknowledge the importance of diversity and commit to making it a priority in both hiring practices and work culture.

AMA Articles

AMA Article  |  Jan 1, 2019

How Marketers Can Win a Larger Piece of the Budget

Most marketing departments don’t lack ideas or ambition, they lack a hefty budget. Following the old maxim, “You’ve got to spend money to make money,” marketing departments with the capital they need can bring in more leads and increase the effectiveness of their marketing strategies.

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